Friday, April 30, 2010

Cedric Rivrain for Maison Michel

Guess where I am? I'm in the Architecture and Music Library rollin with my homies and keepin things sweet as bro! Sigh. 
I'm wearing a pretty crazy get-up in defiance of the archaic and obstructive university system which takes pride in all attempts to cripple creativity, as follows: skin tight black dance pants, black high heels, a singlet with a can can dancer on the front of it, a pink cardigan, a bright lilac pashmina, a fist full of rings and bracelets that jangle and my lucky cat ears headband.
Take that you academic squares!!

Make a promise and feel a geek

Suddenly all my world consists of a screen, a mail box, Google Docs and translations here and there. Spend all my free time blogging, correcting texts, searching new sources, tagging everything. My home is an unliving messy place full of books, notebooks, pictures, documents printed around the floor, files, several Moleskine(c), PDA agenda , Twitter, and so on.

AND, I still have my own personal Facebook account, my free moments to read books not related to what I blog about, clean the house, do shopping, and those things you have to do when you work but you don’t earn enough to pay someone to do it (and you live alone, at times :D )

Think I have multiple personalities since I’ve started to be part of the blogger community. In fact, that’s how I wanted things to be. Too early to link those works to my personal social media profiles. I don’t want to feel the pressure of how often I post or I don't or if they like it, care about it or think I’m becoming a geek.

On the other side, a friend of mine was involved in a project for years. X had in mind a great site about something that not many people has succeed trying to compile. This year, encouraged by all of us, X started a Blog.

I am helping him to build a very interesting site and, here it goes, I’m the coordinator for translations and I’m writing the great majority of. The best thing is that only a 0,5% (and I don’t lie) is published online!!

This “commitment” literally makes me spend almost the whole time of my schedule working for his site, though I face it as an experience that traines me and makes me feel useful and hopeful.
It’s a great feeling though.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well, It's Friday. This week has been topsy-turvy and all over the place and awkward and weird at times - like when you're learning something new and for a while it feels really difficult to get it right.
We had a technical snafu at home this morning and as a result, my phone and internet connection have been disconnected. I've no idea when they are going to be reconnected. I'm at uni today, and will apparently have to work from here for as much of the weekend as possible now.
Not such a big deal, right? More like a little annoying prickle in your foot... It didn't prevent me from feeling quite surprised that someone other than me had done something really freaking stupid, and that surprise actually made me feel justified in a way that the whole situation would never have done, had it not involved my immediate family.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones though, and it wasn't long before another member of this dysfunctional crew reminded me that 9 times out of 10, it's me that stuffs things up.
Gosh dammit, families are just plain weird!!! Given that everyone's reality is completely subjective, how was it ever a good idea to lump people together in a group FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES?? And the fact that I come from a family whose closeness drives us each to distraction at times, just makes the process of un-meshing myself all the more complex. Our love for each other is absolute, yet we have the uncanny ability to really, really hurt eachother at times.
I was discussing this topic with a friend yesterday and she told me emphatically that all the most seminal studies have concluded that 95% of families are dysfunctional. 95%!! So why do I always feel like mine is the only one??
One thing I know about my family and our situation is this: it is possible to love completely, without complete understanding. And it takes work to keep a family together. It takes commitment to a cause that you often don't really believe in, that is often not one of your own choosing. It takes an abundance of forgiveness, and a sense of humour. A short memory is rare, but undeniably priceless if you do happen to have one. And apparently, my family and I are also the fittest freaks around, because we can run to the aid and protection of our clan if anything threatens one of our members. Unfortunately, most of the threats are from within.
Still. I wouldn't swap them. Even though I could quite happily whack a few of them with a saucepan.

Fear of the Dark- Iron Maiden clip

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tattoo Chronicles: advance

Kat wants to get us crazy waiting for her new book to come, new pictures show her with what I guess is her Tattoo Chronicles and doesn't stop twittering about it!!

...Finally made it home to go over the second pass of my new book! You have no idea how excited and proud I am about The Tattoo Chronicles! 27 apr.

Dress of the Day, 29.04.2010

It's Liz Taylor!! I'm off for a run, then need to decide which new tights to wear today, then school, then appointments, then who knows what else. Have a grand day!


 2010: The year Kat bought the whole collection of Bordello shoes called Teeze.
We all know that if there's anybody in the Hollywood stardom addicted to accessorize and shoes is our sweet von D. She has taste to mix rock style to make it sexier and ultra femenine wearing high heels.

Guess that she felt in love with all of them. In fact, doesn't surprise me because I guess I couldn't help to buy more that a pair. If you can check the website every shoe is delicate and wild at the same time.
This video shows the collection in 2 min. Check it out!

Thanks to an anonymous comment that introduced me the brand.

High Voltage.. Festival

High Voltage is so commonly known as Kat von D's tattoo shop that makes me weird reading something about "Voltage" not being related to her.
In fact, is good news.
For all UK fans of heavy, this festival lines up bands as classic as ZZTop, Opeth, HEAVEN & HELL,.. On 24th and 25th July

Check all the info at!

High Voltage (Alto Voltage) es tan comúnmente conocido como la tienda de tatuajes de Kat von D que se me hace raro leer algo sobre un "voltage" que no esté relacionado con ella.
En realidad, son buenas noticias.
Para todos los fans del heavy de UK, este festival encabeza grupos tan clasicos como ZZTop, Opeth, HEAVEN & HELL, .. Tendrá lugar el 24 y 25 de Julio.

Ved el resto en!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sonia Rykiel Spring/Summer Campaign 2009.

Breaks my heart that I can't make these images larger without distorting them. This was probably my most favourite campaign ever. Huge call, I know, but there's something extraordinary about Sonia Rykiel. The clothes are undeniably French, yet there's a level of frivolousness and femininity that is warm blooded as opposed to being slightly aloof. I'd choose a wardrobe of Sonia Rykiel over numerous other labels anyday, simply because the clothes are gorgeous and a bit mad as well.

The above three images are from the Spring/Summer 2010 campaign. See what I mean? Love, love, love.

Hope Sandoval and The Warm Inventions

OH MY GOSH! Hope Sandoval and her band The Warm Inventions are touring to here in June!! I'm booking my tix as soon as they come out on Friday!!! So excited and yet so melancholy that I have to go by myself because no one loves my loves like I do so I always end up going by myself. Easier to wriggle your way to the front on your own though.
1. Don't barrel in there, you have to time it... waiting until the guy in front of you shifts feet is best, then immediately put your foot where his was and sort of ease up till you're level with him.
2. Best behaviour is paramount: Don't yahoo and carry on! No one is that cute. Be sweet and demure and bide your time.
3. If there is a security guard nearby, you've hit the jackpot! I've been pulled right to the front by a security guard and that means they do all the work for you. Note: It's best that this is not followed by them booting you out of the venue - see point 2. ahem.
4. Do not start taking pictures you yobbo! Again - this will not be appreciated and you will be hustled right back where you came from.
5. Don't wear something cumbersome - getting your bag/hair/skirt/jacket/shoe caught on someone mid-wriggle will only delay your progress.
6. Have whatever you want to drink with you prior to commencement of the wriggle.Impossible and frowned upon for you get to the front and then decide its time for a beer. Um, no.
7. Celebrate getting to the front by thoroughly enjoying the concert and congratulate yourself for having spent the time committing these valuable, and hard learnt steps to memory. xo