Saturday, October 31, 2009

The "whore style" issue..

Who says Kathy is bad dressed?
Many things are said about her style and many magazines introduced her as one of the worst dressed of the week/ the month/ and stuff like that.

No need to say that she is a tattoer, do I? 
A tattoer, a rock star, a metalhead. She is coherent with her lifestyle and on...

Let me show you what I consider "bad dressed":

Alia Penner

AMAZING. All by Alia Penner.

Guy Bourdin

There has just been an exhibition of Guy Bourdin's films at Bon Marche in Paris. I make no appologies for admitting that Google has told me that Bon Marche is a store in Paris. My private jet is still undergoing glitter-painting, so, I have therefore missed this exhibition. Boo!! Next time... Until then, I will feast upon the photographs he has left us.

All Hallows

I was at home working on this-here blog when there was a knock at the door- and these fantastically costumed kids plus 2 Mums were on my doorstep.
This is the first time I've ever been 'trick-or-treated', and I had NO YUMMY STUFF IN THE HOUSE!!
What to do, what to do????
Give the kids a bag of Woollies salad greens?? Slices of cheese?? I know!! APPLES!!
As I was handing them out 'Batman' informed me (in fairly freaked-out tones) that "I dont like fruit!" Bloody hell - I have failed the children. SHAME.
But best wishes to this merry-throng and the great Mums who were supervising.
Apples are cool,ok??

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tom Binns

Will work for a Binns. Actually, its hard to think of anything I wouldnt do for a Binns.

Will Davidson

The dude is a magician.