Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009


Don't get tattoos to look like her.

I think it's time to post  a "Warning Picture" instead of posting about her.

As I am super focused in having coherence in this Blog, trying to follow a conducting thread, giving sense, posting related subjects, and so on.. think it's time to post this here as a reminder and a reflection.

   Few months ago, Kimberley Vlaeminck, 18, Belgian,  tattooed 56 stars in her face.
    At first, she accused her tattoer, Rouslain Toumaniantz, tattoing her 50 stars while she was sleeping during the procedure.
     She said she only wanted 3 (or 6, depends the source you read)
    "She agreed, but when her father and boyfriend saw it, the trouble started," -said him.
    Few days later, a local TV Ned 3, uncovered the farse. They recorded her she admitting that she loved her tattoo apart from the 3 stars closest to her nose and  that she lied because she was afraid of her father's punishment.
    Now the tattoer is free of paying back the 65 € and has no report. However, he isn't pissed off because he got some advertisement.

I would  stick one's neck out for She REALLY wanted to Look LIKE KvD and that led her to awful consecuences. Lasering face doesn't sound funny at all.
And I say it because : Ms Vlaeminck has said she wants to keep the tattoos on her forehead but would have the rest removed. As it's to say: I still want 3 stars as the most known girl who wears stars in her face, aka KvD. It' sad.

It's sad because it was so obvious from the very beggining that it was all about a kid liying.
Nobody falls asleep while tattoing as noboby falls asleep while having their legs waxed!
It was sad how all media started to talk about it, about tattoos, about parents permissions, about society, as a foolish thing sure, and nothing about the depper side of worshiping, teen wannabes, imitations going to far...

And as this is said and done, tomorrow I'm back to the positive inspirations, playing with clothes' puzzles, pics, songs and who Caroline looks like :P
I'm pretty "Meet Faces" - I don't know how they say..connecting dots? My little hobby

Never do that to look like sbdy else, sweethearts..  Poor stupid girl :(

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Misión: Ser un blog sobre cómo vestir como Kat von D encontrando recursos al alcance de cualquier bolsillo, entretener es su finalidad.

Cómo surgió la idea.

Hace unos meses empecé una aventura creando un blog  que se me ha hecho pequeño.

El blog  reune algunos de mis intereses como son la cultura heavy-rock y el arte, donde música e inspiraciones se dan la mano constantemente.

La elección del nombre y color del Fotolog.

El nombre del Perfi, The Deppest__ink, es la unión/ fusión de tres “ celebrity - artist” que forman mi TOP , por así decirlo. Ville Valo, Johnny Depp & Kat von D.

El ostracismo Hollywoodiense al que se somete Depp, la filosofía, pensamientos y talento de Valo y el gusto por lo bello combinado con un estilo rocker de Kat.

El 15 de julio escribí esto: “El motivo por el cual esta pagina tiene un fondo rojo es un homenaje al cherry lipstick que que usaron las divas de los 50, yo uso y que usa, obviamente, Kat von D.” Esta frase resume mi amor por las películas en b/n y los pintalabios rojos.

He creido necesario ampliar y centrar los contendidos acerca de la tatuadora más famosa en este nuevo blog. How to Look, ha nacido

¿Significa esto que el Fotolog dejará de existir?

 La respuesta es definitivamente no. Sigo enganchada a los comentarios de mis effes y allí puedo seguir posteando sobre otros temas que no estén relacionados con Kat von D.

Los objetivos que pretendo conseguir publicando el blog son:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Welcome! (english)

Mission: To be a blog about how to dress like Kat von D, give cheap tips and, basically, entertaining.
How the idea was born

Few months ago, I started an journey beginning a blog but I need to post more often.

The blog meets some of my interests such as: heavy rock culture, art and where music and inspirations constantly goes together

Choosing the name and its color.

My profile name, The Deppest__ink, is the fusion of my top “celebrity – artist”: Ville Valo, Johnny Depp and Kat von D.

On July 15th 2009 I wrote that: “This page background tributes to the red lipstick 50’s divas used to wear, I wear and, of course, Kat von D wears.”

I think this sentence sums up my love for old b/w movies and red lipstick

I thought it was necessary to extend and focus the contents about the most famous tattoer in this blog. How to Look has born:

Does it mean that your Fotolog will disappear?
The answer is definitely not. I’m still addicted to the comments of my friends there and I can regularly post about anything not related about Kat von D.

The aims I try to get publishing this blog are:
  • Offering innovation. Both, content and form
  • Positivize Kat’s image, at times highly critizised